Acknowledgement of financial support Sep 2024
Blind Citizens NZ is appreciative of donations received from our members and supporters, for funding from Blind Low Vision NZ and Te Pou
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Visual Graphic Description
Left - justified and immediately against the left margin, is a circle the centre of which is black. Written within the circle, are the words "a blind bit of difference". Text is spread across four lines; the beginning of each line sits above/beneath the other; "blind" is yellow and written in lower case; "A" and "BIT OF" are in white, uppercase and slim letters; "difference" is white and written in thicker letters. Text appears inside the circle in the following sequence: line 1-A; line 2-blind; line 3-BIT OF; line 4-difference.
Immediately to the right of the circle written in simulated braille are the words "blind citizens.
Beneath the circle the words "blind citizens nz" appears.
Blind Citizens NZ is appreciative of donations received from our members and supporters, for funding from Blind Low Vision NZ and Te Pou