Welcome to our October Focus issue. You can download the Word, PDF, or audio version, or you can read it here. 

List of Articles

Welcome to the October 2023 edition
by Áine Kelly-Costello Focus Editor

Let’s not settle for subpar representation
Áine Kelly-Costello, Focus Editor

Accessibility and taking chances
Jonathan Godfrey National President

How secret is your vote in this year’s General Election
Rose Wilkinson, Chief Executive

Vote by Telephone Dictation at the 2023 General Election

Challenging Others Challenging Ourselves | Blind Citizens
NZ 2023 AGM and Conference

Blind Citizens NZ Large Print Calendars

Announcing the outcome of Blind Citizens NZ 2023 Scheduled Election
Rose Wilkinson, Returning Officer

Blind Citizens NZ Board | National Office Contacts

Acknowledgement of financial support
