Blind Citizens NZ urges New Zealand to be fully inclusive so we as blind and vision impaired people can live with full independence and contribute to the community to our maximum potential. Through this page you can “drill down” to get more detail on specific issues that we believe New Zealand needs to address, particularly if we are to keep abreast of other developed countries.

You might like to just explore the issues links on this page, or as a starting point, you can read our Great Barrier Brief, which is currently our most relevant statement of the priority issues that need to be progressed. For further detail about our current priorities, please check out our current Strategic Plan.

For a more substantive treatment of the fundamental issues blind people face and how New Zealand compares with other countries, you can read As We See It – accessing New Zealand via non-visual means, written in 2003.

For a detailed history of Blind Citizens NZ during its first fifty years since we started in 1945, you can read Quest for Equity, written by Greg Newbold. It charts the development of our organisation through a period of considerable social change.

If you are looking for something and you can’t find it, try entering search words into the search box on the right. If stil you can’t find it, feel free to contact our National Office for assistance.

Documents on this website are usually available as .doc files – Microsoft Word 2003/2007. Some documents are available in other formats as well such as PDF. When you bring up a given document, you will see the available files listed below the document description. Please contact our National Office if you need to access a document in a format that is not listed.

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