By joining or renewing your membership of Blind Citizens NZ, you will be showing your support for the work we do on behalf of New Zealand’s blind and vision impaired population. As a member of the Blind Citizens NZ you can choose your own level of involvement.

Full membership is open to anyone eligible for full registration with the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind (New Zealand’s primary provider of blindness-related services). You can check the eligibility criteria relating to vision impairment on the Foundation’s web site.

Membership categories and subscription rates are:

  • Full membership: $10 per year for unwaged; $20 per year for waged. You may also pay a one-off subscription of $300 for full membership for the rest of your life.
  • Junior membership (up to 16 years), is free.
  • Associate Membership: $10 unwaged, $20 waged for sighted individuals such as friends and family, who support our philosophy and work.

To join Blind Citizens NZ, you can complete our Application Form online. To renew membership of Blind Citizens NZ you can complete our renewal form online Or, we can mail you an Application or Renewal Form, which you should complete and return to us with your membership fee, either to our National Office or your local Branch contact. To request that we send you an Application or Renewal Form, you can either email us, or phone us on (04) 389 0033 or 0800-222-6940 (ABC NZ INC).

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